Blue Gum Consulting will provide your company with the benefit of long term and wide ranging experiences in growing sustainable businesses


Mentoring business owners, assisting them to establish systems and processes to make their business simpler, more enjoyable and efficient to run, using technology to perform these functions, followed by establishment of effective reporting.

Assist and where required act as the facilitator for development of Strategic and Business Plans.

Where required and requested, provide contracted services to act as the CEO of a company.

Assistance with analysis and establishment of Marketing and Sales strategies and development of the detailed Marketing and Sales plans.

Where required and requested, provide contracted services to act as the Sales and Marketing Manager of a company.

Assisting with formation of sound governance, through formal Board of Directors meetings, or by establishment of an Advisory Board.

Assistance with Strategic Planning and development of Marketing Strategies and Business Plan, establishment of Sales processes.

Assisting business owners using MYOB to get the best out of MYOB.

Acting as a mentor with Business Mentors New Zealand.

Acting as a personal Advocate for EQC and Earthquake Insurance Claim issues.

Acting as a Technical Advisor to Earthquake EQR or Insurance reinstatement home owners.